Digital Power Electronics Control Group on LinkedIn

We have started a group where we can share questions and discuss Digital Power Electronics Control on LinkedIn.

The group’s name is Digital Power Electronics Control.

The link to the group is

Look out for the group identified with the z-transform image like that shown above.

Recent Group Discussions

Recent discussions have included one on the effects of precision limits for PWM timers

Another thread covers how to get started in Digital Control of Power electronics.

There are some well known and expert members in the group who share experience and insight.

The group is private to prevent the spam that has been increasing on Linkedin so please ask to join.

Where to begin with digital control

The discussion on where to begin with digital control is an ongoing and popular thread.  The thread has 49 replies from group members offering advice on what is important in digital control of power electronics

Slip Strike

Another discussion covering a very specific issue is on handling slip-strike problems.  Slip strike is what happens where the system output gets “stuck” and then suddenly moves.  This typically happens in mechanical or hydraulic systems where the friction coefficient falls as movement begins.  A relatively simple solution is to use a high derivative gain to reduce the effect.  Other solutions include linearising the system to allow higher controller gains and higher bandwidth.

Choosing the control processor

The discussion on choosing the processor for digital control is also still popular.  This covers which is the best micro controller or processor for digital control of power electronics.  This is an ongoing and recurring theme as more people  use digital control for their power electronics.  Other subjects in the thread include

  • analogue to digital converter choice
  • aperture time
  • settling time and
  • how to design a digital loop compensator

Numeric precision and the effect of limited PWM timer bit limits are also mentioned.

Join the community

We look forward to seeing you there.

Come and join the community at the Digital Power Electronics Control group on LinkedIn.

Download the report ‘Your Digital Power Future – Roadblocks to Avoid’ to learn about the three key issues to watch out for in the Digital Control of Power electronics.

Download report now