The ELMG Blog

Coffee Machine Upgrade

November 16, 2015 by Hamish Laird

Sometimes with technology it is often the case that you simply need more power.  And so as we are coffee fans we decided that we needed more coffee power. So we got a new machine. And we were so keen to check it out that we had it hooked up and heating milk before the table […]

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APEC 2016 Professional Education Seminar

by Hamish Laird

    High Performance Digital Control For Power Electronics ELMG Digital Power CTO, Dr Hamish Laird has been selected to present a Professional Education Seminar at APEC in Long Beach, California March 20th to 24th, 2016. The Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) is one of the best power electronics conferences in the world.  It is attended by power […]

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Touchscreen Driver TMG120

by Tim King

Touch Screen Dash We acquired a shiny Avnet Display Kit for use with our Microzed board.  Our first project on this kit was a basic dash display demo, which ran Xilinx Linux on a Zynq 7Z010 SoC with the aid of some Xylon graphics IP.  However we hit a speed bump in our progress.  Our […]

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Fixed Point Numerical Systems for Digital Control

August 29, 2015 by Tim King

One question which is commonly asked is “how do I represent fractional numbers on my fixed-point MCU, DSP or FPGA?” One of the best solutions to this is use of the Q number system. The Q number system is a fixed point system where the available bits are divided amongst the integer bits (those to […]

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